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Compliance Information

Our system has been developed to assist 'Responsible Persons' (RP's) and 'Accountable Persons' (AP's) to comply with the statutory requirements of the Fire Safety Act 2021, the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 and the Building Safety Act 2022.

These pieces of legislation have placed specific requirements on the RP's and AP's of buildings to communicate with relevant persons and to maintain records concerning building safety issues. A brief summary of these and how My Block Manager (MBM) can assist you is set out below:

Building Safety Act 2022

Section 156, Article 21A:

Provision of information to residents of domestic premises including risks in domestic premises, risks identified in risk assessments, and contact details of the RP's.

How MBM can assist you:

MBM provides bespoke fire safety information conforming to this requirement that can be directly accessed by all residents in the building, not just the named leaseholder or freeholder.

Building Safety Case Reports:

For larger buildings (currently 18m+), AP's are required to submit Building Safety Case Reports to the Building Regulator.

How MBM can assist you:

MBM provides a digital storage facility and digital log for all building information relating to the Golden Thread requirements.

Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022

Regulation 9:

RP's must provide comprehensible fire safety instructions for the building to residents on occupation, within each 12-month period and when any material change to instructions is required.

How MBM can assist you:

MBM makes this information available to all residents, at all times. Updates can be made remotely when changes are needed and annual reminders to visit the MBM site by scanning the QR code can be simply delivered.

Regulation 10:

RP's must provide residents with information on fire doors, must undertake fire door inspections for flat entrance doors and for buildings over 11m must undertake quarterly checks of fire doors in the communal areas.

How MBM can assist you:

MBM sites include the statutory information concerning residents' responsibilities concerning fire doors and other fire safety systems and can also include the communal door check sheets within its contractor log areas for use by RP's. MBM also stores your fire door inspection records. These can be accessible at the management or public level, depending on the settings you choose.

Regulations 5, 6, 7 and 11:

Require RP's to hold and maintain records for building design and materials, floor plans for some buildings and checks of essential firefighting and fire protection equipment.

How MBM can assist you:

MBM provides a digital storage facility for these and any other building information where it can be accessed easily by RP's and any relevant persons depending on the permissions you select. The information is retained with the building records for the specific property in MBM.